BBCC – history and past editions

BBCC is an annual meeting series, started in 2006.

BBCC was initially designed as the regional meeting for the bioinformatics community working in Campania, Italy. During the years, many editions were joined with other events, as international workshops, tutorials and courses activities, thus hosting also researchers from other countries and communities.

Since 2017, BBCC is an annual international conference.

Information about the past editions can be found by the link below.

BBCC2023: For the 18th edition, the conference returned to the in-person mode. It was hosted by the Parthenope University of Naples, in the beautiful venue of Villa Doria D’Angri.

Information can be found here.

BBCC2022: the conference has been held as a virtual conference, due to pandemic. Information can be found here. Special issues of different international peer-reviewed journals have been organized to received submissions and published articles from the BBCC2022 Conference.

BBCC2021: the conference has been held as a virtual conference, due to pandemic. Information can be found here. Special issues of different international peer-reviewed journals have been organized to received submissions and published articles from the BBCC2021 Conference.

BBCC2020: the conference has been held as a virtual conference, due to pandemic. Information can be found here. A BMC Bioinformatics Supplement entitled “Proceedings from the 15th Bioinformatics and Computational Biology International Conference – BBCC2020” has been published as volume 22 supplement 15, with 4 full articles from the conference.

BBCC2019: the conference has been held at University of Salerno, joint to NETTAB2019. Information can be found here. Proceedings of the conference have been published as two BMC Bioinformatics Supplements entitled “Proceedings from the Joint NETTAB/BBCC2019 Conference (Part 1)” on 21 December, 2020  (volume 21, Supplement 19), and “Proceedings from the Joint NETTAB/BBCC2019 Conference (Part 2)” on 5 July 2021 (volume 22, Supplement 7), with 6 full articles from the conference.

BBCC2018: information can be found here. A BMC Supplement with full articles from the conference is under preparation. A BMC Bioinformatics Supplement entitled Proceedings from the 13th International Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Conference – BBCC2018 has been published online in August 2020, as volume 21 Supplement 10, with 8 full articles from the conference.

BBCC2017: information can be found here. A BMC Bioinformatics Supplement entitled Proceedings from the 12th International BBCC conference, with 11 full articles from the conference, has been published online on 30 November 2018.

Web site and information about the editions of BBCC from 2006 to 2016 are visible here.