

Angelo Facchiano, Ph.D., Research Director at CNR-ISA, Italy. ORCID ID   –  ResearcherID

Angelo conceived BBCC meeting and organized it annually since the first edition (2006).

Researcher affiliated at the Italian National Research Council, Institute of Food Sciences since 2000, where is the responsible of the Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Laboratory; author of more than 100 peer-reviewed articles in international journals; member of the International Sociey for Computational Biology; member of Bioinformatics Italian Society (BITS),past component of BITS Steering Committee (three mandates, 2010-2016), past Secretary of BITS (two mandates, 2012-2016).

Committees for the Annual editions

BBCC2024 Committees

For each annual edition of BBCC conference, a Scientific Committee is defined by inviting scientists from the international community. The Organing Committee is defined by including colleagues from the local community. Please visit the pages of the past editions to find the composition of the related Committees.